This is our Newest Norfolk Terrier sire “CH. JrCH. Lamonterra VENOM HENNESY
This is our sire “Summer Breeze’s Billy the Kidster” Billy is a blue and tan dapple smooth hair AKC miniature Dachshund.
This is our sire Summer Breeze’s Ozzy MS. “Ozzy” is an isabella and tan smooth AKC Dachshund. Retired
This is Summer Breeze’s Picasso. “Picasso” is a black and tan harlequin dapple piebald smooth hair AKC Dachshund.
This is Summer Breeze’s Merlin ML “Merlin” is a AKC long hair shaded cream brindle miniature Dachshund
This is Summer Breeze’s Montana Sky. “Montie” is a AKC smooth blue and tan dapple Dachshund.
This is Summer Breeze’s Monkey Business “Monkey” is a AKC long hair blue and tan dapple Dachshund.
This is Summer Breeze’s Jack Sparrow ML. “Jack” is a AKC long hair black and tan dapple Dachshund.
This is International Champion Pinokio at Wild Devils. “Pico” is a red Norfolk Terrier. Retired
This is Summer Breeze’s Lil Luke Duke MS. “Luke” is a black and tan smooth miniature AKC Dachshund.
This is Summer Breeze’s Smokie Milk Dud ML. “Milk Dud” is a shaded cream miniature AKC Dachshund.
This is Summer Breeze’s Rooster MW. “Rooster” is a Black and tan wirehair AKC Dachshund.